Rent increase update title text. Image of man sitting in kitchen.

Rent increase update

News – 23 February 2023

Why is my rent going up?

High inflation levels have made goods and services more expensive this year. As a result, rent charges have gone up.

We review rent and other charges each year. We’ve done this in line with the Government’s Rent Standard. This says how social housing landlords like us set and increase rents.

In some cases rent charges are set by the terms and conditions of your lease.

The costs of labour and materials has gone up by 10% to 15% in the past year. Energy bills are also now four times higher.

This all means that delivering repairs and upgrading services is more expensive. As a result, service charges have increased too.

You will receive a letter with the details of the changes.

What to do next  

You’ll need to amend your payments to cover any changes in your rent and charges. Don’t worry if you pay by Direct Debit, as we’ll change your payment amount.

If you have any type of payment arrangement on your account including a court order, then these payments will need to increase to reflect the change.

Questions you may have

I am entitled to Housing Benefit/Universal Credit – how will the rent increase affect my claim?

Housing Benefit, and the Housing Costs Element of Universal Credit, should be increased to reflect your newer higher rent.

Please be aware that if you claim Universal Credit you must report the change of rent on your online account or if you have any difficulties, please call 0800 328 5644. This needs to be done on 3 April or very soon after – but not before that date.

Are other benefit rates increasing?

Yes, rates of benefits are generally increasing by 10.1%

I’m worried about how I will afford everything with the general cost of living and rising energy bills – what help is available to me?

We have a number of dedicated teams who can help with a number of issues:

  • Welfare Benefit Advisors – for help with understanding your entitlements, help to claim and help to challenge decisions about your claims
  • Budgeting and Debt Advisors – for help with managing your money and your options if you have debt you are struggling to deal with
  • Wellbeing & Support – for help with managing your tenancy
  • Employment Advice – for help to get into work

We understand that it’s a challenging time for many people right now. You can find more information about the help, support or debt advice we offer, visit