Voice round-up

News – 8 November 2022

It’s been almost two months since we launched Voice, our new and totally anonymous customer feedback platform.

In that time, over 600 customers have signed up and we’ve had some fantastic feedback and engagement.

For those who haven’t managed to sign up yet, here’s what you’ve missed out on so far.

Shaping the future of Grand Union

Pet policy

Voice users helped us to understand your views on our current pet policy and pet ownership in Grand Union properties, with a few core questions relating to:

  • Pet ownership amongst customers
  • Areas of the policy you disagree with
  • Anything you felt was missing from the policy
  • Areas which may be unclear

We had 159 responses in total, all providing us with some great insight. The first thing we asked was around pet ownership, with 64% of all respondents confirming that they own a pet, whilst a further 25% are thinking about getting one. Of those who do currently own a pet, 63% have a dog and 50% have a cat. Beyond cats and dogs, you also told us you have rabbits, gerbils, fish, birds, a sprinkling of exotic pets and even the odd ferret.

The most common feeling amongst respondents was that we should consider pets being allowed in all properties due the positive impact a pet can have on mental health wellbeing as well as the companionship they provide.

Several respondents highlighted that it was not a legislative requirement for a cat to have a collar and tag. Whilst others felt we could provide more clarification around how Grand Union manage and monitor compliance with the policy. Going forward we will be reviewing the pet policy and take the views you shared into account.

Moving in

We wanted to know more about how customers feel about us welcoming them to their new home, with some core questions around:

  • What items are useful when moving in
  • What information is useful when moving into a new home
  • Any general comments around moving into a new property

You told us that the five most useful items were:

  1. cleaning supplies
  2. milk
  3. a kettle
  4. teabags
  5. a voucher for a takeout

Mugs just missed out on fifth place. There were also some other great suggestions such as toilet rolls and bedding.

We also asked what information was important to know when you first move into your new home. You said the three most important were instructions on how to use your boiler, the stopcock location and how to log a repair.

We then gave you an opportunity to share any further comments about moving into your new home. The most popular response related to ensuring the condition of the property was suitable for a customer to move in to. You also highlighted that it wasn’t always necessary to remove everything from a property as some items, such as flooring, may be wanted by those moving in. Another popular subject was around having clear guidelines around repair and maintenance responsibilities.

Thank you for this feedback – we will be reviewing it with the relevant teams and using it to shape the service we provide.

Polls and forums

Voice also gives you a chance to take part in some polls that are just for fun. Here are your responses to the four we’ve posted so far.

There have also been a number of forums where you’ve been discussing the following topics:

  • Cost of living
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • If Grand Union were a car, what car would it be and why?
  • How Grand Union deals with complaints

What’s coming up

You’ve shared some really interesting information on the cost of living forum, as a result we want to understand more about your concerns so we will be posting a new survey later this month around ‘cost of living concerns’. We will email you once it is live so you don’t miss it.

We also have a few fun polls lined up, including one for Movember where we’re trying to find out king of all moustaches.

Get involved now!

It’s not too late to sign up if you haven’t done so already. Simply head to voice.guhg.co.uk now.

It’s totally anonymous and by joining Voice, you’ll be able to help shape and improve our services to give you the best possible experience.

Remember to log in regularly to make sure you have completed the latest activities.

And once you’ve signed up, don’t forget to add GUHGvoice@marusurvey.com to your safe senders/contact list. That way you can be kept informed when new polls, surveys and forums go live.