![A hand holding a mobile phone showing the Voice logo on screen](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/t4EuwKwrWlHC70t5NhtjpqhVLuwmyJ4X9oAY8yaHjsc/resizing_type:auto/width:1024/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8wNC9Wb2ljZS1waG9uZS1ncmFwaGljLTMuanBn.webp)
A message from Julie Doyle, our Chief Executive.
We’ve had another great month of engagement of Voice, our customer feedback platform.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part. We use the feedback we get from Voice to help improve the services we offer at Amplius. Here are the results of the last few surveys and polls.
Stock condition survey
Last month, 127 Voice members took part in the survey to fin our about their experience and understanding of stock condition surveys.
Overall, 59% of respondents felt they know what a stock condition survey is, however some respondents said they were not sure what we do with the information gathered and 98% of you were keen to see the results following a survey on your home. Following this feedback, we are looking at the best way to share this information with you.
Once we explained a bit more about what happens as part of a stock condition survey, we asked you to rate on a scale of 1-5, how beneficial you felt the surveys are to customers. The chart below shows the results.
![53% said the surveys were extremely beneficial, compared to 6% who said that the surveys were not at all beneficial.](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/FHNoBDpm8Yjp-DmuyBLUc53WnaDtQXLKaBS1Br4oSMY/resizing_type:auto/width:1024/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8xMi9zdG9jay1jb25kaXRpb24tY2hhcnQucG5n.webp)
Thank you to everyone who took part and shared their views on this subject.
Merger letters survey
Customers have recently been sent a letter explaining important information about the recent merger of Grand Union and Longhurst Group to form Amplius. Before it was sent out, we asked Voice members to give their feedback on the layout and content of the letter, so we could make sure the information was clear and easy to understand.
Overall, we had 76 responses and more than three-quarters of respondents felt that overall, the sections were easy to understand. The below chart shows the percent of respondents who agreed that each section of the letter was easy to understand.
![79% felt the Important things to know section is written in a way that is easy to understand.
82% felt the what hasn't changed section is written in a way that is easy to understand.
78% felt the Whats new? section is written in a way that is easy to understand.
75% felt the Notice from Amplius sectiuon is written in a way that is easy to understand.
79% felt the Introducing Amplius section is written in a way that is easy to understand.](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/gELsaYrFXiWI4SqkrR3Hpf7KMP7-9fbi8dAae-eX0yg/resizing_type:auto/width:1024/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8xMi9tZXJnZXItbGV0dGVycy1jaGFydC5wbmc.webp)
Thank you to everyone who took part and shared their views on this subject.
Poll results
Voice also gives you the chance to take part in some polls that are just for fun. Here are your responses to the poll we posted about your biggest fear. Spiders was the most common fear.
![Spiders was the winner with 28% of votes](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/7VvErWNAiqVAKg9fgw0Qsn22hKHajgj3cJweXKWSGtk/resizing_type:auto/width:1024/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8xMi9iaWdnZXN0LWZlYXItcG9sbC5wbmc.webp)
We also ran a poll about musical instruments and asked if you could play one musical instrument well, which would you choose? Piano was the most popular choice.
![Piano was the winner with 45% of votes.](https://www.guhg.co.uk/img-srv/R3N5pd-ftH8kPmZDGyGKFYcO8ZPwPlpmEecDl3eQPCk/resizing_type:auto/width:1024/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:1/ext:webp/strip_metadata:1/quality:90/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZ3VoZy93d3cuZ3VoZy5jby51ay93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyNC8xMi9pbnN0cnVtZW50LXBvbGwucG5n.webp)