
Before you complete the permission request form, please read the pet guidance below. Please consider if your lifestyle and home is suitable for the pet you are requesting.

We recognise the importance of pets in the lives of some customers, bringing a great deal of pleasure and enjoyment.

We encourage responsible pet ownership and the suitability of particular homes for pets.

When considering permission requests for domestic pets we will bear in mind the type and size of your property. Our guidelines for most of our properties are as follows:

General needs flat or maisonette1 dog or 1 cat, 1 vivarium and/or a reasonable number of small pets may also be considered.
1 bedroom bungalow or house1 dog & 1 cat or 2 dogs or 2 cats, 1 vivarium and/or a reasonable number of small pets may also be considered.
2+ bedroom house/bungalow2 dogs & 2 cats or 2 vivarium and/or a reasonable number of small pets may also be considered.

Please note:

If you live in a sheltered scheme, your Life24 Advisor will discuss your pet request with you.

If you live in supported accommodation your Partnership Co-ordinator will discuss your pet request with you.

We also need to consider the following:

  • Official assistance or guide dogs are normally allowed.
  • Some pets are not allowed in certain properties, for example where there is no garden or only a small communal garden.
  • Managing agents look after some properties and we may need to seek their permission.
  • If you are a leaseholder (including shared owner) we will need to check the terms of your lease.

We will not give permission for:

  • Farm animals or livestock, for example cockerels, goats, pigs, horses, sheep etc.
  • Bats and birds of prey.
  • Dangerous wild animals or dangerous dogs.

Pet guidance

  • Please look after your pet and make sure they get the care and attention they need.
  • You are responsible for the health and welfare of your pet. If we suspect any cruelty, neglect or an animal in distress, we will report this to the RSPCA. The RSPCA has a dedicated line for cruelty and advice on 0300 1234 999.
  • Make sure your pet is kept under control at all times.
  • Don’t allow your pet to cause a nuisance or disturbance to anyone.
  • Dogs must be microchipped and wear a collar and tag. The tag must display the owner’s name and address.
  • Cats must be microchipped by 10 June 2024 (further to new legislation introduced in England on 13 March 2023).
  • Do not leave your pet unattended in shared areas. Dogs must be kept on a lead in communal areas.
  • If your pet has access to your garden, please keep the garden boundaries secure to stop them escaping.
  • You are responsible for quickly clearing up any mess caused by your pet, including from communal areas and your garden, and disposing of it properly.
  • If you go away, you must make suitable arrangements for your pet to be cared for, for example by a friend or neighbour who will take responsibility for them in your absence.
  • If it is suspected that a customer has abandoned a property, and a pet is left behind, we will contact the RSPCA immediately to attend to the welfare of the animal.
  • You are responsible for any damage caused to the property by your pet. If we carry out repair work, we will charge you for this.
  • If you would like to make any changes to your property or run a pet business from your home, you need to first obtain our written permission. Please note that we will not give permission for breeding animals for profit.
  • We recommend that you take out adequate insurance to cover any liability that might arise.
  • When we visit your home, please keep your pet in a separate room.

Please note that we may refuse or withdraw permission for you to keep pets if you do not keep to this guidance or are in breach of the terms of your tenancy or lease.