Running a business from your home

Running a business from home is becoming more and more popular and can be a great way to provide an income. It’s usually ok for you to run your own business from home, although you must have our permission in writing to do this first.

Some things you need to consider when thinking about running a business from your home:

  • Do you need planning permission?
  • Do you need to tell your local council?
  • Do you have to pay business rates on your property?
  • Will your business cause any nuisance or disturb your neighbours?
  • Do you have the right qualifications?
  • Do you need insurance for your business (your current home insurance may not cover your business)

There are some businesses that are not suitable to be run from home for example, any business that:

  • involves car or other vehicle repairs
  • attracts lots of customers or deliveries to your home
  • involves breeding of animals for profit
  • requires storing lots of items within the property or in an outside space, including storing hazardous or controlled materials
  • uses heavy machinery
  • would compromise the health and safety of you, other occupants, or neighbours

The above list is not exhaustive and there may be other types of business that we consider unsuitable to be run from your home.

Helpful information

There is some great information on these links to help you when setting up a business from home:

It is important that you declare your business properly as this may have an impact on any benefits that you may already receive.

If you would like any further advice regarding any possible changes to your financial situation, such as benefit entitlements, you can contact our benefits and advice team at

Next steps

If you’d now like to ask permission to run a business from your home, you can complete the online request below.

Please note that permission can be withdrawn if you break any of the terms of your tenancy agreement such as causing nuisance or annoyance to other residents.