Drug use and dealing

Drug use and drug dealing are criminal offences. You must report them to the Police immediately:

  • call 101 if it’s a non-emergency
  • call 999 if it’s an emergency
  • tell the Police if you’re concerned about your safety.

We don’t have the power to respond to criminal activity. This includes personal drug use, like someone using cannabis in their home. We’ll only be able to act if: 

  • the person(s) responsible is our customer, and
  • they’re convicted of the crime in the area they live

You don’t have to give your name when making a report to the Police. But if you report this to us, please include the Police incident report number.

You can find out more about drug use and dealing on the Crimestoppers website

Can’t speak to the Police?

If it’s not safe for you to speak to the Police directly you can:

  • call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, the call is not traced or recorded, and you won’t go to court if action is taken.
  • contact your local councils Social Services Safeguarding Team. You can find your local council here.