Government funding for domestic abuse survivors

A person holding a child's hand

You may have seen on the news recently that, from today, there will be financial support available from the Government to help people to escape domestic abuse situations.

Those without the financial means to leave their abusers will be able to apply for a one-off payment of up to £500, via one of over 470 support services, for essential items such as nappies, groceries or support with new accommodation.

Domestic abuse survivors will also be able to apply for a further one-off payment of up to £2,500 to help secure their future, such as having a deposit for rental accommodation.

The fund is initially provided until March 2025 and is a result of a successful pilot scheme funded by the Home Office and delivered with Women’s Aid last year, which helped over 600 people to safety.

The financial impact of domestic abuse was highlighted in a survey carried out by Women’s Aid in June 2022. The survey found:

  • 96% of respondents had seen a negative impact on the amount of money available to them because of the cost of living increases
  • 66% said abusers were using the cost of living increases and financial concerns as a tool for coercive control
  • 73% of women who had financial links to their abuser said the cost of living crisis had prevented them from leaving or made it harder to leave.

This new funding should help support and empower those in domestic abuse situations to take the first steps towards a life free from abuse.

You can find out more information here about how we can support those enduring domestic abuse .