Major improvements
and planned works

More on the works we do to make sure your home is at the standard you expect

We work hard to make sure your homes are in a well-maintained condition. To do this, we provide a number of different major improvements to key areas:

All of our homes are compliant to the Government’s Decent Homes Standard. You can find out more about this on their website: 

We try to check the condition of your home at least every five years. These checks, which we call stock condition surveys, can be done on their own or as part of a visit for something else. For example, when a Property Manager visits to carry out a repair inspection.

These checks tell us if your home needs to be added to our yearly programme of major home improvements. If it does, we’ll let you know at least one month before work is due to start. Sometimes this could be up to a year in advance.

During improvement works there may be some inconvenience caused. We, along with our contractors, will do our best to keep this to a minimum. The same goes for mess. Our contractors will use things like dust sheets to reduce this as much as they can. They’ll also make sure your home is left clean and tidy at the end of each day. 

If you have any concerns before or during the work, please speak to the contractor first. We’ll give you their details. If you still have concerns, then contact us.